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2024 LMS Partnership

2024 LMS Partnership

Partnership benefits include:

- Discounted booth fee for Loblolly;

- Participation in all Wine Down events + five free bottles of wine for each event;

- Two social media spotlights per year on LMS social channels;

- Business events shared on social media by LMS and added to the LMS website calendar;

- Selected content shared to LMS social media stories, with a potential audience of 26K Facebook followers and 17.8K Instagram followers;

- Facade grant opportunities for businesses within the downtown footprint through the Macro (up to $5,000 reimbursed every three years) and Micro (up to $1,000 reimbursed each year) facade grant programs;

- A collaboratively designed, professionally shot and edited "Main Street Minute" video, to be used by both the partner and LMS for future promotion.  Each partner will receive one "Main Street Minute" video per three years of partnership in good standing with LMS;

- Opportunity to host Wine Down;

- Discounted team entry into Chili Cook Off OR Crawfest.



Regular price $1,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,000.00 USD
Sale Sold out

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